
翻译备考 | 关键词汉译英 | 011 | "拼车"

2017-03-07 王逢鑫 北极光翻译








carpool, carpooling, take the carpool, share the ride in a carpool, carpool partner, carpool buddy, carpooling service, ridematching service, carpool lane






As fuel prices have risensharply, riding a car together has attracted more and more commuters.




As fuel prices have risen sharply, carpooling has attracted more and more commuters.


"拼车”的意思是"合伙乘车,并分摊费用”。toride a car together仅表示“同乘一辆车",并不包含"分摊费用”的意思。"拼车”的名词译为carpool,carpooling,动词译为 to take the carpool,to share the ride in a carpool。例如:


1. “拼车的意思是指两个或两个以上的上班族共同乘坐一部汽车,并且分摊行车费用。

A carpool means two or more commuters ride together in one car and share driving expenses.

2. 拼车是一种合伙乘车和分摊费用的精明方法。

Carpooling is a smart way to share your ride and your expenses.

3. 拼车的人越多,就越省钱。

The more people there are in a carpool, the greater the savings.

4. 这个免费在线拼车数据库向你提供住处和工作离你近的其他感兴趣的上班族的名单。

The free online carpool database provides you with a list of other interested commuters who live and work close to you.

5. 我们每隔一天拼车去学校。

We take the carpool to school on every other day.

6. 我宁愿拼车上班,也不坐昂责的火车。

I would take the carpool to work, rather than the expensive train.

7. 由于我没有车,而且觉得公交车太慢,地铁太挤,打的太贵,就和一个邻居拼车。

As I don’t have a car, and Ithink the bus is too slow, the underground is too crowdedand the taxi is too expensive, Ishare rides in a carpool with one of my neighbours.

8. 我想我们一星期应该拼车或搭乘公交系统至少一两次。

I think we should take thecarpool or the public transportation system at least once or twice a week.


“拼车族”或"拼车伙伴”的意思是"合伙使用汽车的人”。英语可以译为carpool partner, carpool buddy。例如:


9. 他正在寻找一个拼车伙伴,住处离他家在一两公里以内。

He is seeking a carpool partner, who lives within one or two kilometres away from his home.

10. 你能帮助减少空气污染的最简便的方法之一,是找一个至少一周一次合伙乘车的拼车伙伴。

One of the easiest ways you can help to cut down on the air pollution is to find a carpool partner to share the ride with at least one day a week!

11. 这个免费拼车网站能够协助你找寻拼车伙伴。

This free carpooling website can assist you in the search for carpool partners.

12. 我需要一个拼车伙伴,每天早晨我能跟他乘车上班。

I need a carpool buddy with whom I can ride to work each morning.

13. 我找到了一个拼车伙伴,他跟我有同样的日程安排,而且住得离我很近。

I have found a carpool buddy who has the same schedule as I and lives very close to me.


“拼车服务"或"拼车服务公司”可以译为carpooling service, ridematching service。例如:


14. 拼车服务因协助上班族拼车而受到热烈欢迎。

Carpooling service is well received for its assistance in matching commuters.

15. 这个拼车服务公司为司机和乘客提供搭乘和驾车服务。

This carpooling service offers lifts and rides for drivers and passengers.


This ridematching service provides you with an easy way to find others in this area that are interested in sharing the ride to work in a carpool.


国外有些城市鼓励拼车,为拼车族设立专门的车道,称为carpool lane 拼车族车道。例如:


17. 如果你在车里有至少两位乘客,你就可以走拼车族车道。

If you have at least two passengers in your car, you may take the carpool lane.

18. 如果你能找到跟你乘车的人,你就可以走快得多的拼车族车道。

If you can find someone to drive with, you can take the carpool lane that is a lot faster.

19. 如果汽车里就只有你一个人,你是不准走拼车族车道的。

You are not allowed to take the carpool lane if you’ re the only person in the car.


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